Guilded Purls

Thursday, March 30, 2006

It's Like Being Pregnant

That's what I've decided. I'm working -finally, you say?- on the attached I-cord for the Shamus sweater that I started 4000 years ago. I have an excuse. I stopped working on it in order to knit for baby Thomas (visible here: Thomas) I even have evidence that I knitted for him, because there are real-live pictures of the finished products on his little body!

But back to the point. The i-cord. The perimeter of a sweater is longer than I thought. So I sit and fiddle with the 4-stitch i-cord. My hope is that at the end of 9 months or so something fabulous will have happened. I'm also hoping that it's not a baby.

What are you working on?

Monday, March 13, 2006

SnB at Borders tonight!

Monday, March 13th is SnB at Borders again! Just look for the loons with the sticks & string in the cafe, starting at 6:30 & going till we all get too old & tired. Heh. Hope to see y'all there! :-)