Fingerless Mitts -another charity project

The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in New Orleans has another need (besides the cage cozies; see below). Since there is no roof on the facility, and it's winter, the workers are getting cold. To help in their work with the abandoned or lost animals, they need fingerless mittens. Knit these with anything except bulky yarn; superwash or acrylic would probably be the best. The workers should be able to slip medical gloves over the fingerless mitts. There are many free patterns around on the internet, but really all you need to do is knit a foot long tube in 1x1 ribbing, with a 1" opening for the thumb. Here's just one of the many patterns available: Fingerless Mitts.
Please send your contributions to:
Dez Crawford
701 Thayer St.
New Orleans, LA 70114
Can the SPCA use a couple of hats?
I also have a pair of fingerless mits that I am sending.
Anonymous, at 11:41 AM
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