Knit Alongs!

Woo... I joined the sexy knitters kal and the sew?I knit sew along... well tried to anyway, I'm going to have to wait until the next project for both of them to officially join, but I'm still excited. The "Sew? I knit" sew along is pretty cool, it's for knitters who want to change it up and do a sewing project, which I was just planning on doing. Although I can't join for the skirt making sew along, i'm making one anyway. It's the Butterick's 4025 style A pattern, it's going to be so cute! On another note I'm making some headway on the cabled gloves and will hopefully have them done in the next two weeks! yeah! Here's a picture of the pattern I'm making. Oh yeah, I listened to the podcast on stitch and bitch and found that most annoying... that stupid forum only has 250 members... that's not really that much to be throwing a fit over. The main thing that annoys me is that they are essentially pissing off the people who should be their customer base, oh well their loss I suppose, the whole thing is still just annoying and it really won't matter in the end because sew fast sew easy is going to run out of money if they keep suing people.
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