Tonight is the Sit and Knit that's technically sponsored by the library. It gets the teensiest bit complicated, though. They meet at Border's Cafe at 6:30. However, lately the Cafe has been closed. (Starbucks now has the contract to run this cafe. Sigh.) So if you get to Borders and there's no cafe, toddle across the street to Barnes and Noble and you'll see knitters there. Or you could, you know,... call. That would be probably be smart.
And, you should know that the class schedule for Stitches Midwest 2006 is up. Register early, if you want to go, because the classes fill up. And Franklin is right; this has to be one of the most absurd websites ever. Be valiant. Be patient. It really might work for you. (another sigh...)
And the new Knitty is up. The only one I'm thinking about so far is the toddler sweater with the ice cream cone on it. But these things are fluid. I could change my mind at any time. I'm half-way tempted by the English Garden sweater, but I think I can still talk myself out of it. Really, it's a little much. I'm pretty sure, too, that I don't want the felted Nagano scarf. I'm pretty clear that I've ruled that one out. And the thing with the crazy circles probably isn't going to enter my wardrobe, either.
And, you should know that the class schedule for Stitches Midwest 2006 is up. Register early, if you want to go, because the classes fill up. And Franklin is right; this has to be one of the most absurd websites ever. Be valiant. Be patient. It really might work for you. (another sigh...)
And the new Knitty is up. The only one I'm thinking about so far is the toddler sweater with the ice cream cone on it. But these things are fluid. I could change my mind at any time. I'm half-way tempted by the English Garden sweater, but I think I can still talk myself out of it. Really, it's a little much. I'm pretty sure, too, that I don't want the felted Nagano scarf. I'm pretty clear that I've ruled that one out. And the thing with the crazy circles probably isn't going to enter my wardrobe, either.
Okay, there's just way too much excitement there for me. I'm SO jazzed about Stitches! And, of course, about the SnB tonight...I can always use more social knitting time. Btw, since y'all are right, and the Stitches website drives me crazy, do you know what the admission charge for just the vendor hall is? I really don't plan on taking any classes, but I can't wait to go shopping!
Heather, at 9:11 AM
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