Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Friday, April 21, 2006
Buy Yarn Now!
Terry sent this along... It sounds remarkably like the reasoning one hears at a Friday night Yarn Geeks ;)
1. It insulates the cupboard where it is kept.
2. It keeps the economy moving. It is my patriotic duty to support
woolfarmers, textile mills, and yarn shops.
3. It is less expensive and more fun than psychiatric care. (my personal reasoning, most of the time)
4. I'm participating in a contest - the one who dies with the most
yarn wins!
5. It keeps without refrigeration, you don't have to cook it to
enjoy it, you never have to feed it, change it, wipe its nose or
walk it.
6. Because I'm worth it.
7. Like dust, it's good for protecting previously unprotected spaces
in the house, like the ironing board, the laundry basket, the dining
room table.
8. It's not immoral, illegal or fattening. It calms the nerves,
ratifies the soul, and makes me feel good.
9. Because it is on sale. Because that is such a beautiful colour...
I've never seen it before... I must have it.
10. Buy it now, before your husband retires and goes with you on all
your shopping expeditions. (Egad! What a thought!)
1. It insulates the cupboard where it is kept.
2. It keeps the economy moving. It is my patriotic duty to support
woolfarmers, textile mills, and yarn shops.
3. It is less expensive and more fun than psychiatric care. (my personal reasoning, most of the time)
4. I'm participating in a contest - the one who dies with the most
yarn wins!
5. It keeps without refrigeration, you don't have to cook it to
enjoy it, you never have to feed it, change it, wipe its nose or
walk it.
6. Because I'm worth it.
7. Like dust, it's good for protecting previously unprotected spaces
in the house, like the ironing board, the laundry basket, the dining
room table.
8. It's not immoral, illegal or fattening. It calms the nerves,
ratifies the soul, and makes me feel good.
9. Because it is on sale. Because that is such a beautiful colour...
I've never seen it before... I must have it.
10. Buy it now, before your husband retires and goes with you on all
your shopping expeditions. (Egad! What a thought!)
Monday, April 17, 2006
As part of my photo shoot for the Dekalb sesquicentennial celebration I took some pictures of the group at the Yarn Exchange. I'm not actually supposed to publish these, but I have more film in my camera to be developed. If you want to be in some pictures I can take more next week.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Tonight is the Sit and Knit that's technically sponsored by the library. It gets the teensiest bit complicated, though. They meet at Border's Cafe at 6:30. However, lately the Cafe has been closed. (Starbucks now has the contract to run this cafe. Sigh.) So if you get to Borders and there's no cafe, toddle across the street to Barnes and Noble and you'll see knitters there. Or you could, you know,... call. That would be probably be smart.
And, you should know that the class schedule for Stitches Midwest 2006 is up. Register early, if you want to go, because the classes fill up. And Franklin is right; this has to be one of the most absurd websites ever. Be valiant. Be patient. It really might work for you. (another sigh...)
And the new Knitty is up. The only one I'm thinking about so far is the toddler sweater with the ice cream cone on it. But these things are fluid. I could change my mind at any time. I'm half-way tempted by the English Garden sweater, but I think I can still talk myself out of it. Really, it's a little much. I'm pretty sure, too, that I don't want the felted Nagano scarf. I'm pretty clear that I've ruled that one out. And the thing with the crazy circles probably isn't going to enter my wardrobe, either.
And, you should know that the class schedule for Stitches Midwest 2006 is up. Register early, if you want to go, because the classes fill up. And Franklin is right; this has to be one of the most absurd websites ever. Be valiant. Be patient. It really might work for you. (another sigh...)
And the new Knitty is up. The only one I'm thinking about so far is the toddler sweater with the ice cream cone on it. But these things are fluid. I could change my mind at any time. I'm half-way tempted by the English Garden sweater, but I think I can still talk myself out of it. Really, it's a little much. I'm pretty sure, too, that I don't want the felted Nagano scarf. I'm pretty clear that I've ruled that one out. And the thing with the crazy circles probably isn't going to enter my wardrobe, either.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Proof that I occasionally finish things

Knitted garments, that is. Not babies. Well... not babies, lately!
Baby Thomas is now up to 2 pounds 11 ounces, and is wearing clothes. In fact, he's wearing clothes that I made for him. The hat is waiting its turn to be modeled, off on my brother's (his father's) left shoulder.
Next up: I have a hat for him that will make him look like a Dr. Seuss character and a preemie version of the Baby Einstein jacket. Then I'm going to make a purple bunting with white polka dots. Shoes.... he probably needs booties, too!
Then, you know... I could consider getting a grip!